I work in creative and geeky ways.
I used to think art or science, a matter of one or the other. Today, I'm better at finding joy in both areas, separately and together. Self-motivation has led to many ways of learning, making, and sharing art. By using different art-making processes with unexpected and imperfect endings, I am free to create and change as I grow. I collect ideas while sketching in quiet and busy on-the-go moments. As a free-lance artist, the voice expressed in each piece that I make, for others and myself, reflects memories, experiences, and possibilities. I work with multiple mediums (graphite, inks, pastels, acrylics, dried flowers, paper and more). I photo-document for the future. By making and sharing art, my hope is to connect experiences with people-kind during our short time on earth. - Grace W. Ho, owner/artist HYFA
I used to think art or science, a matter of one or the other. Today, I'm better at finding joy in both areas, separately and together. Self-motivation has led to many ways of learning, making, and sharing art. By using different art-making processes with unexpected and imperfect endings, I am free to create and change as I grow. I collect ideas while sketching in quiet and busy on-the-go moments. As a free-lance artist, the voice expressed in each piece that I make, for others and myself, reflects memories, experiences, and possibilities. I work with multiple mediums (graphite, inks, pastels, acrylics, dried flowers, paper and more). I photo-document for the future. By making and sharing art, my hope is to connect experiences with people-kind during our short time on earth. - Grace W. Ho, owner/artist HYFA